Psyche and resilience

We all have our own preferences, ideas of a beautiful life and our own world of thoughts. What we need to be happy is different from person to person. Also, we all experience different things - no everyday life or past looks like another person's. How do you feel? What are you thinking? And how do you feel in different situations? Your answers to these questions give clues to your psyche - some would say: your being.
Wie fühlst du dich? Was denkst du? Und was empfindest du in verschiedenen Situationen? Deine Antworten auf diese Fragen geben Hinweise auf deine Psyche – manche würden auch sagen: dein Wesen.

What makes a healthy psyche? And what doesn´t?

Everyone of us has phases in which we are doing well, and others in which we aren´t. That's totally normal, because we all make mistakes, are disappointed or can be in a bad mood just because the weather is so bad. Sometimes we also don't understand ourselves – we experience a little inner chaos. That's normal, too, because our hormones can really mess us up from time to time: when we grow up, in extreme situations or when we're under stress. What´s important is that these phases pass again. That you can look forward again with the support of friends and family and know that everything will be okay again. That you feel well again after some time, can sleep well and continue to hold on to the things that are important to you. But if these phases last longer or lead to you not being able to cope in your everyday life, then a mental illness could be the reason.
So observe yourself and the people around you: If you can't get out of a slump, don't recognize yourself anymore, or you pose a danger to yourself or others, you should talk to someone about it and get professional support. The same applies, of course, if you notice that someone in your environment is in this difficult situation – then you can help the person to get professional support.

We often don´t even notice that our psyche is no longer healthy – this is actually very difficult to assess. Many changes slowly creep into our everyday lives, so that we get used to being stressed, avoiding certain things out of fear or sleeping badly. Often we also blame the current situation for this and are sure: it will soon pass.
In addition, there is no basic rule for what behavior is "healthy" and what is "unhealthy". We should pay attention when a person's personality, behavior or perception changes significantly and she or he suffers or is restricted by it. So it always depends on how the affected persons feel with their physical and mental characteristics and whether they can participate in social life, perform and pursue personal goals as they would like and have been used to.
If you don't feel well, you don't have to diagnose yourself or wait until the limitations in your daily life become too great! Imagine that your knee hurts – then you better don't delay the appointment with a doctor until you can't walk anymore. It's the same with a mental illness: If you notice worrying changes or have had feelings, thoughts or habits that worry you for a long time, that alone is a good reason to seek professional support and get to the bottom of it.

Further information